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University of Waterloo, Canada

Doctor of Philosophy

Geography, Illegal Wildlife Trade

Sep 2019 - present

University of Kent, UK

2017 - 2018

Master of Science with Distinction

Conservation and the International Wildlife Trade

University of Toronto, Canada

Bachelor of Science with Honours

Specialist in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Minor in History

2013 - 2017


UW/SSHRC Robert Harding & Lois Claxton Humanities and Social Sciences Grant


SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Award


President’s Graduate Scholarship


Ontario Graduate Scholarship (Declined)


Lorne Russwurm Teaching Assistant Award


President’s Graduate Scholarship


Ontario Graduate Scholarship


GRADflix Research Communication Award


Exceptional Doctoral Student Scholarship


Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for Women


Project Grant provided by the Columbus Zoological Park Association


Project Grant provided by the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology


Carin Wittnich Scholarship (University of Toronto)



Research Skills

My academic and extensive practical placement history demonstrate that I am committed to lifelong learning, self-directed, and able to excel in both classroom and field learning environments. I have participated in a number of research and volunteer projects focusing on a variety of taxa, from snapping turtles and howler monkeys, to sharks and sperm whales. These experiences have given me the opportunity to develop skills relating to conducting effective literature searches, formulating a question, analyzing data, using statistics and presenting data. I am skilled in field methods such as interviewing, radio telemetry, behaviour sampling, performing photo-identification, wildlife rehabilitation including wound care and medication administration, as well as setting and checking traps for wildlife research. I also have experience doing lab work such as biochemical analysis, using ArcGIS, SPSS, NVivo, and Python.


Communication Skills

My fieldwork has taken place in Ontario, Nova Scotia, Greece, Costa Rica, and Uganda. Completing my masters abroad offered me the opportunity to not only learn and grow as a student, but also as an individual. Through my extensive travel background, immersing myself in new cultures, and by working with people from around the world, I have cultivated strong communication and leadership skills, and gained an appreciation of both biological and cultural diversity. I am recognised as a compelling public speaker and have presented my masters and initial doctoral research at numerous international conferences. In addition, I have experience teaching third year undergraduates and recently won an award in my Department for my engagement and dedication to teaching. Each set of experiences has contributed to my conservation knowledge and deepened my commitment to protect the world's biodiversity.

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